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An international luxury service for musicians seeking their version of “The Ultimate Recording Experience”. This is a fully customizable, all in one package designed to combine your wildest dreams and capture the whole event on a song and video. Whether that is a late night filled with limos and ladies; an inspirational event, surrounded by your most respected musicians; or a day in the fast lane, supercars, jewelry and a hype track. Struggling to choose between those options? Don’t worry, you can have it all.


Get picked up from your house in a limo, get driven to the most iconic studio near you and record an unforgettable moment with your idol. Then take a journey into the night and enjoy a planned-out VIP evening. At the end of an incredible night, your final limo takes you home safely. You will be assigned a dedicated photographer who will film and document the process. You could use these clips to make a music video, a day in the life or just to recall the best moments of your career so far.


This package is made possible with the partnership of Bless Up Records and Relax ‘n Luxury. We are working together to create the most thrilling luxury service the music industry has to offer. With that we ask you, what is “The Ultimate Recording Experience”?


Book a free consultation to plan your Ultimate Recording Experience today.

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